15 June, 2010

Toozday Trouser Edition

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A garment thoroughly bridging the gender gap.
Although it has been a consistent staple in a man's wardrobe,
the trouser pant has surely seen a more speckled walk-in walk-out relationship with a woman's closet.
However, trousers are back, and adamently reinstating themselves as an essential for the feminine side.
Wearing the pants in the house:
1. Haiku Ambulance - http://www.zoecullie.com/
2. Kansas Couture - http://www.kansascouture.com/
3. Franco Fernandez - http://www.francodarling.blogspot.com/
Harve Bernard trousers.

Hey Charlie, I feel a breeze down there and it sure feels nice! Quite the refreshing alternative to the skinny jeans that cling to my gams like leeches from a deceivingly harmless lake.
And now for a few trouser finds on Etsy...  
from gimmeNICOLE

Dear T. Rouser Pant,
      How you lend a polished hand to the ensemble without demanding an ounce of effort in return. You are the X baby master of love. Meet me under the mango tree. I'll bring the Jack.
                                    Yours Truly,
                                  Captain Darjeeling


NICOLE! said...

girrrrrl, your blog is RAD.

keep it up!
high five high five.


Zoë said...

What a perfect homage to the trou!

I am beyond flattered to appear on these pages- although (and don't get me wrong- Franco is like my hero) I will say that you totally knocked us all out of the park.

You make everything look more than effortless. Like you just walk into your closet, close your eyes, and walk out magically with the perfect outfit.

Aye, aye captain!


Bub said...

Hi dear, found your blog through chictopia - I love this outfit, the pants and everything falls in place so well! Love the headscarf
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