03 June, 2010

Bastard son of Garfield, Child of Berke

The (abridged) story of Bill the Cat:

Bill started off as any hopeful young feline from Iowa looking for a career in the film industry. In pursuit of this dream, he relocated to the grimy streets of New York, setting the stage for a new lifestyle involving excessive drinking and drug use. Shortly thereafter, he crashed his Ferrari into a cactus, dying instantly. The media, as to cover up the nature of his death, supposedly claimed that he had died from acne. Fortunately enough, Bill's tongue was still intact after the accident, and a local genius was able to utilize the muscle to clone a new Bill. The saga continues with Bill the deathmetal rock star turned televangelist turned Soviet spy turned candidate for president of the United States...yada yada yada. It was mentioned that this was the abridged version wasn't it?

Cartoonist Berkeley Breathed gave life to Bill with the original intention of creating a character with absolutely no merchandising appeal *. He wanted a character that was as foul, flea ridden, and unlovable as it's colleagues at the time were cute and fuzzy. As a result, we have Bill the Cat, filthy proper protagonist in an undeniably endearing story of survival. Not so mainstream, but definitely streaming the main.
Aack Aack.

*The king of satire received a taste of his own medicine as Bill the Cat ironically ended up bringing Breathed a shit ton of money from merchandising. I'm wearing an Italian Bill the Cat tee for chrissake.

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