20 June, 2010

Boob Tubin' It

3:00 in the morning and my ass is treading in a pool of sweat. What to do what to do what to do what to do when you're wide awake in pitch black darkness, only accompanied by your nocturnal furry friends who are hardly as concerned with you as during the daytime. An imaginary segment in time that exists in a blackhole located next to the world of  the living, and right around the corner from the world of the dead. But really, what better time than this imaginary time to get a head start on it all! On what, might you ask? Operation Noir Zombie.
Sparked by that book I just purchased (see post), I plan on watching more television in the next few weeks than I probably do over the course of the year. No surfing though. It will be one channel for this gal, and one channel only. TURNER CLASSIC MOVIES. What a resource that I'm so fortunate to have, yet have hardly put to use. And no commercials! Here's the schedge.

There's plenty other good movies playing, but these are personal must-sees. 
Most of current television programming makes me cringe. However, all things television other than that...                                                         
that's when I...
                    TURN UP THE TELLY.

The previous 4 photos were taken at The Normal Gallery (June 4th) — Normal Television: An Evening of Honest Programming, video and sculpture exhibition with Eli Wentzel-Fisher, Parker Jennings and special guests. Exhibit runs thru June 29th, 2010

Vintage TV set from

But THIS is the television I would want to be stuck on a desert island with.

And again, inspired by the women who have graced so many a set:

Outfit: diy hat, top by Rusty Cuts, vintage/secondhand everything else.
Till the next.


Zoë said...

Ha ha! I loved all of this. Hooray Zombies, Hooray TCM, and hooray you in your amazing flowing pants and visor sun hat. You are the coolest ever.

.Haiku Ambulance

Tonje said...

careful that your eyes don`t turn square. Just kiddin. I love your outfit, and your blog too.

xx T

Rachel said...

love TCM, don't have cable, would watch TCM too too much if I did, though. might not be a bad thing, though.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Love that DIY hat! How fun.

Zoë said...

I miss yer pictures.

nicki said...

I like your sensibilities. This post was awesome and hilarious. Follow you, follow me? <3