20 June, 2010

Boob Tubin' It

3:00 in the morning and my ass is treading in a pool of sweat. What to do what to do what to do what to do when you're wide awake in pitch black darkness, only accompanied by your nocturnal furry friends who are hardly as concerned with you as during the daytime. An imaginary segment in time that exists in a blackhole located next to the world of  the living, and right around the corner from the world of the dead. But really, what better time than this imaginary time to get a head start on it all! On what, might you ask? Operation Noir Zombie.
Sparked by that book I just purchased (see post), I plan on watching more television in the next few weeks than I probably do over the course of the year. No surfing though. It will be one channel for this gal, and one channel only. TURNER CLASSIC MOVIES. What a resource that I'm so fortunate to have, yet have hardly put to use. And no commercials! Here's the schedge.

There's plenty other good movies playing, but these are personal must-sees. 
Most of current television programming makes me cringe. However, all things television other than that...                                                         
that's when I...
                    TURN UP THE TELLY.

The previous 4 photos were taken at The Normal Gallery (June 4th) — Normal Television: An Evening of Honest Programming, video and sculpture exhibition with Eli Wentzel-Fisher, Parker Jennings and special guests. Exhibit runs thru June 29th, 2010

Vintage TV set from

But THIS is the television I would want to be stuck on a desert island with.

And again, inspired by the women who have graced so many a set:

Outfit: diy hat, top by Rusty Cuts, vintage/secondhand everything else.
Till the next.

17 June, 2010

Peaches & Cream

I'm the fool                       
with plans,


Big plans                         
to be (SER, ÊTRE)
a fool.
politically correct

*zee outfit: gray cut-off tee, vintage peach tap shorts, second-hand pink gilligan o'malley sleepy-time slip, second-hand silver Hot Topic Spice Girls shit-kickers, vintage silver jewelry, vintage brown bag

15 June, 2010

Toozday Trouser Edition

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A garment thoroughly bridging the gender gap.
Although it has been a consistent staple in a man's wardrobe,
the trouser pant has surely seen a more speckled walk-in walk-out relationship with a woman's closet.
However, trousers are back, and adamently reinstating themselves as an essential for the feminine side.
Wearing the pants in the house:
1. Haiku Ambulance - http://www.zoecullie.com/
2. Kansas Couture - http://www.kansascouture.com/
3. Franco Fernandez - http://www.francodarling.blogspot.com/
Harve Bernard trousers.

Hey Charlie, I feel a breeze down there and it sure feels nice! Quite the refreshing alternative to the skinny jeans that cling to my gams like leeches from a deceivingly harmless lake.
And now for a few trouser finds on Etsy...  
from gimmeNICOLE

Dear T. Rouser Pant,
      How you lend a polished hand to the ensemble without demanding an ounce of effort in return. You are the X baby master of love. Meet me under the mango tree. I'll bring the Jack.
                                    Yours Truly,
                                  Captain Darjeeling

14 June, 2010


Floral prints forever, but it's the dark florals that really get my blood flowing. Something about dainty flowers floating amidst a dark sea fills my jello brain with mystic seacrets... and compels me to shout out Au Contraire! In hardly appropriate situations, of course. Found this dress at a neighbor's yard sale yesteryay and can comfortably say that I could wear it for the rest of my days. It's been quite enjoyable sitting in this dress and burying my soul in the Grandes Dames du Cinema book I'd scored at the flea market. It's in French, but what better excuse to brush up on the ol francaise? Note: Getting books in another language that I have a great interest in reading makes it very easy to get motivated on learning the language. Ingrid Bergman is really wonderful.
It's nice to imagine that these ladies just wore black and white (plus varying shades in between).
It's nice to imagine that they had gray skin.

13 June, 2010

The Flea Circus

A day at the Albuquerque flea market never fails to please. In the unlikely case that nothing peaks my interest at anyone's booth, I know I'll at least be coming home with a plastic bag filled with roasted green chile from one of the chile stands. The smell of these things permeate the entire market, it's wonderfully intoxicating.
As the day played out, we ended up finding much more than chiles. A good day at the gold mine you might say...
Jordan found these.
That album in the middle is Hall of the Mountain Grill - Hawkwind (featuring Lemmy from Motorhead).
They're supreme.
Pretty Ladeez

These beauts will be up on my Etsy (http://www.knifesauce.etsy.com/),
unless I selfishly decide to keep them to myself.

Across the street from the flea market we see this. A GARGANTUAN statue of Paul Bunyan, perched atop a Vietnamese restaurant. I love Albuquerque. Speaking of Bunyan, after a day of walking around in my stiff as a board Doc Martens, I was left with Paul bunion blister fucks all over my feet. I wouldn't be so patient if I didn't love the red devils.

And finally, the newest on the Etsy...

11 June, 2010

Belly Cream

Some more? Summer.
Cream of the Crop Series
-by Knifesauce
It has begun.
Soon belly buttons will be breathing all over the place.
Soon we'll be eating with our belly buttons.
What else is new?
Why, I've just had the pleasure of being introduced to a Mr. William Wegman.
A few Wegman works:
original image @ http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=105x5983853
original image @ http://blog.verdylives.com/2009/09/william-wegman-man-with-weimaraners-exhibit-in-singapore/

Fantastic really.
His weimeraner's name is Man Ray.
My dog's name is Bonham.
And I think someone has a new hobby.

03 June, 2010

Bastard son of Garfield, Child of Berke

The (abridged) story of Bill the Cat:

Bill started off as any hopeful young feline from Iowa looking for a career in the film industry. In pursuit of this dream, he relocated to the grimy streets of New York, setting the stage for a new lifestyle involving excessive drinking and drug use. Shortly thereafter, he crashed his Ferrari into a cactus, dying instantly. The media, as to cover up the nature of his death, supposedly claimed that he had died from acne. Fortunately enough, Bill's tongue was still intact after the accident, and a local genius was able to utilize the muscle to clone a new Bill. The saga continues with Bill the deathmetal rock star turned televangelist turned Soviet spy turned candidate for president of the United States...yada yada yada. It was mentioned that this was the abridged version wasn't it?

Cartoonist Berkeley Breathed gave life to Bill with the original intention of creating a character with absolutely no merchandising appeal *. He wanted a character that was as foul, flea ridden, and unlovable as it's colleagues at the time were cute and fuzzy. As a result, we have Bill the Cat, filthy proper protagonist in an undeniably endearing story of survival. Not so mainstream, but definitely streaming the main.
Aack Aack.

*The king of satire received a taste of his own medicine as Bill the Cat ironically ended up bringing Breathed a shit ton of money from merchandising. I'm wearing an Italian Bill the Cat tee for chrissake.

31 May, 2010

Istanbul to Abiquiu

I was sweaty. And stuck. The deadline for the Moxsie sweet summer contest (http://www.chictopia.com/contest/Moxsie-Sweet-Summer-Style) was creeping up at a fantastic rate, and coming up with a submission in my sweaty stuck state seemed increasingly impossible. But THEN...the metaphysical brushed aside all the shit piled on my floor, unveiling a souvenir from a recent trip; a copy of the first edition of Turkish Vogue. And that was it.

Inspiration: Istanbul.
Mission: Staying cool.

This past March, I had the priviledge of visiting Istanbul, only to discover yet another city to fall head over heels for. Even after spending just an afternoon in what formerly was Constantinople, it becomes quite obvious why this glorious city was named this year's European cultural capital. A melting pot of people and ideas, all floating together in a glittering Bosphorous broth, spiced to perfection.
I suppose.
A possible description.

And here it is. The captain's rendition of a Turkish summer, sure to be one of many. Photos taken at Lake Abiquiu in New Mexico. Finding water in the middle of the desert has been quite a bit easier than I had expected it to be.

Knifesauce crop top
Wrangler cut-offs
All the rest is vintage.
For more on this outfit: http://www.chictopia.com/KnifeSauce